Love the shirt. For the spiritual ones how about a shirt that says, "Jesus healed, all others should carry Narcan."

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It's true that Jesus wouldn't "Need" to use narcan. He also doesn't "Need" doctors or modern medicine to heal people, yet he chooses to use them. It always amazes me when people who consider themselves Christian and say they love the Lord make comments like the one you mentioned in your newsletter. I see it everyday. I saw it recently when we showed some love at a shelter for unhoused women and children. It's a really cool place that gives them 6 months of housing so that they can sock away some money and get on their feet. They can also get help to get connected to the services they need. When I was trying to get people at my church signed up to help, I got a lot of disdain and a lot of questions like, "do the women who live there have to help", and "They get to live there for free"! Like they were somehow less worthy because they're in a difficult situation. But I will say that since subscribing to your newsletter it has changed my attitude and and the way that I interact with people who are unhoused. We included a note with the Walmart gift cards that we gave to each woman and child. We didn't invite them to church, we didn't preach about God. We just said that we loved them, and that we understood that for any of us times could be tough, and we wanted to try and make it a little easier. That was it. But before reading your newsletters, I might have preached. I might have approached that differently. It was because you showed me how they might feel about that, and how they might interpret it that I was better equipped to handle it differently. So let's pray that those who are making the disparaging comments and not showing real love will have the same type of epiphany.

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I adore the shirt and looked for something just like it two years ago when I started my job with OhioHealth’s Addiction Medicine Team! Would love to see a t-shirt with the full icon of Jesus where his hand is upraised clutching Narcan!

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