Apr 25Liked by Kevin Nye

So much of this I felt in my spirit when I ran a women’s shelter at a larger rescue mission. Especially the hours coming and going. I don’t know the number of times we had over does just after dinner because they wouldn’t have opportunity to use until the morning but they needed it to sleep and be calm which was required.

I appreciate your work.

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Margaret, have we chatted about this before? I'm in the process of trying to interview folks like you who have worked at Rescue Missions and felt this kind of ache. If you'd be interested, could you email me? kevin.m.nye/at/gmail.com

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We have not and I’d love that! Sending info now.

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Kevin this is so important i am screaming bc i love it so much

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I'm 62, former paralegal SF Bay Area, A's college, no drugs/drink/crimes/smoking, on yr 6 of homelessness in my car due to problems from life-long epilepsy (seizures) and the side-effects of powerful anti-seizure drugs which cause me to sleep 17 hrs per day (10 at night, 7 hrs naps in the day).

I have never been so offended as the constant searches I was subjected to, along with other clients (many of us senior citizens who have medical problems, work histories, and are law abiding).

Shelter staff would search me, and other women, from shoes and socks up to bras.

I'm outraged at the disrespect. I have epilepsy. That is my ONLY problem. To be treated like I was in law enforcement custody, jail, or prison was...just vile! I will NEVER step foot in these vile shelters again, nor will I recommend them to anyone.

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Apr 28Liked by Kevin Nye

Many rules in social service agencies are to make work life easier for staff. Safety rules are often that. It is an authoritarian approach. My place, my rules. My experience is the more you rely on authority the less you help.

Once we hired an off duty police officer to be in the overnight shelter. Behavior problems rose. When we stopped problems went down to previous levels.

Help and healing occur through relationships of trust. Hard for trust to be present when we operate from an authoritarian approach.

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